viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

At this time of year...

Today I’m going to write you about Christmas. This is a celebration that has a place en almost every part of the world. It remembers the day that Jesus Christ was born. This date has a lot of meaning for Jewish and Catholic persons, because is the day that their prophet was born.
People around the world celebrate it with symbols (like Santa Claus, the Christmas tree, and the Nativity scene) and rites (like Christmas dinner or midnight mass). Some of the most important elements for Christmas actually are the gifts. Everyone goes crazy buying gifts at this time of the year, especially for kids.
To me, Christmas is a family day. I’m not a believer, so to me it doesn’t have a religious meaning. But my mom loves Christmas, I don’t know why, she doesn’t believe, neither. She likes to invite my big bother with his son and my dad’s sister with her two kids. Sometimes there are more guests, but at least is us. We have dinner, all good dressed and after that we open the gifts. But it doesn’t end here. We stay until late drinking wine and talking.
To me every year Christmas is losing importance. When I was a kid I loved the gifts, but know I don’t care too much. Like I said before to me it doesn’t have a religious meaning. And it’s true that gets family together and everything but I don’t believe it should be necessary a holiday for that. Besides, now people is only interest in buying gifts so if sometimes it has another meaning I think it lost it at all. So I could say that I like Christmas because I have a good time, but the meaning that it taking lately I hate it and I think is ridiculous.
Anyway Merry Christmas  

3 comentarios:

  1. Merry Christmas Manuela!!!!

    I think it is true today many people focus on gifts and consumerism but what matters is how each of us feel and live every day.

    A hugs :)

  2. Hi Manuela!

    In spite of that I’m believer and the Christmas means the birth of Jesus Christ to me, I agree with you about that people is only interested in buy presents and every year the Christian means has been superseded for a material means.

    Merry Christmas! :)

  3. Good Job, Manuela.

    Remember a celebration "takes place".

    Also, after a connector you need a subject. So,

    "because IT is the day that their prophet was born." OR "but at least IT is us"

    Say, Everybdy WELL dressed" Adverb before an adjective.

    Don´t forget the word "people" is plural,
    so "people are" interesED.

    Could you say this in better English?

    "...but the meaning that it taking lately I hate it and I think is ridiculous."

    2 POINTS
